
Over the past few months, we have been working on the fourth version of a research project shopping for round the world (RTW) flights.

We came up with three different fictional RTW itineraries, then took those three itineraries, posed as customers, and shopped them among 9 different companies selling RTW plane tickets.

For this particular version of the report, we only searched routes originating in North America. In previous versions, we searched routes originating in the UK and Australia (and we will do so again in the next version).

Below you will find links to each company we’ve searched (in alphabetical order), starting with the nine for this current version (Fall 2014).

Click on each one to read an in depth review and to leave one of your own.

Companies searched for the Around the World Airfare Report: Fall 2014:

Companies searched in previous versions of the Around the World Airfare Report: