Round the World
Tickets Report
Download this 32-page definitive report to learn how ticket providers differ and successfully choose your perfect rtw ticket
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Star Alliance RTW Ticket Review
In the latest version of the Around the World Airfare Report, we shopped prices for RTW plane tickets from nine different companies and rated each company based on three criteria: Price: How much does it cost? Service speed: How long does it take to get a bookable price? Frustration factor: How frustrating is the process… Continue reading Star Alliance RTW Ticket Review
8 Not-So-Obvious Reasons To Go On A Round The World Trip
When most people consider the reasons for going on a round the world trip, the first and most obvious one is to “see the world.” This is a great and noble reason all by itself, but there is so much more to it than that. Long-term travel changes people, almost always for the better. Most… Continue reading 8 Not-So-Obvious Reasons To Go On A Round The World Trip
11 places you should definitely try to see on a round the world trip
Are you ready to start planning your own RTW trip? Sign up today for Plan Your RTW Trip in 30 Days and start receiving email lesson plans tomorrow – it’s free! You’ll be on the road before you know it! Our world is filled with must-see sights and attractions, and some of them are far… Continue reading 11 places you should definitely try to see on a round the world trip
Best Value Destinations for 2016
Is 2016 the year for your big trip? You know, that epic around the world adventure you’ve been dreaming about over beers on Friday nights for a while now. If budgeting is one of your main concerns, then we’ve got great news for you: 2016 is THE YEAR for dollar stretching travel. The US Dollar… Continue reading Best Value Destinations for 2016
April 2015 Fares for Multi-Stop Tickets
It’s getting closer and closer to summer travel season here in the northern hemisphere. BootsnAll focused its content on travel in the United States and Canada for the entire month of March, and the following 5 multi-stop trips have a big United States leg in them. Check them out below! Remember that any of these… Continue reading April 2015 Fares for Multi-Stop Tickets
April 2015 Fares for Multi-Stop Tickets
It’s getting closer and closer to summer travel season here in the northern hemisphere. BootsnAll focused its content on travel in the United States and Canada for the entire month of March, and the following 5 multi-stop trips have a big United States leg in them. Check them out below! Remember that any of these… Continue reading April 2015 Fares for Multi-Stop Tickets
One-Stop Resource to Learn About Around the World Tickets
If you are planning, or even thinking about planning an around the world trip, you’ve come to the right place. Whether you call it Round The World, Around The World, the common abbreviation, RTW, or long-term travel, it still means you are preparing for the trip of a lifetime.
And we’ve got just about everything you need when it comes to the biggest expense of a long-term trip – around the world airfare! This website is your go-to resource for learning about all available airfare options for your big trip.
Common Misconceptions About Around the World Tickets
When travelers first start researching long-term travel, they may think they only have a few options for their airfare – buying an around the world ticket from one of the big airline alliances or buying one-way tickets as they go.
These are two possible options, but not the only ones. In fact, the multi-stop airfare industry has changed quite a bit just in the last 5 years, so it pays to research all options available, of which there are many.
Don’t assume that if you want to buy all your flights before leaving that your only option is going through the alliances and abiding by all their rules. There are lots of other companies out there who specialize in around the world tickets (often called multi-stop airfare), and those same rules (like having to travel in one direction around the world, or having a cap on mileage traveled or number of stops) often don’t apply.
Around the World Airfare Resources
- Download the free Around the World Airfare Report to get started learning about your options.
- Sign up for the RTW Ticket Newsletter to hear about deals and stay up to date with the latest changes and advances in the multi-stop airfare business.
- Read the reviews for each company and airline alliance we’ve secret shopped during the research portion of the airfare report.
- Search, price, and book around the world tickets on Indie, the only multi-stop airfare engine of its kind that allows you to do everything completely online
- Speak to an agent at AirTreks, all of whom are experts on around the world tickets and long-term travel.